Akashic Records Nouveau Reading

An Akashic Record reading provides access to guidance from the deep inner wisdom of your soul.  The Akashic Records are a safe, loving, supportive and non judgemental source of knowledge and wisdom.  It is your personal library of divine information and guidance, available to you at any time, and can be used to assist in any of life’s situations. 

The Akashic Record contains the records or story about all of your life experiences, past and present.  The guidance gained from accessing the Akashic Records is presented in a manner of unconditional love and support to help you understand who you are, allowing you to release old patterns, heal, and trust in your own inner wisdom.  Andrea Pelletier is a Certified Akashic Records Nouveau Practitioner. 


The Universal Sphere® Session

The Universal Sphere is an experience that opens and allows us to shift and make changes in our lives with greater ease and comfort. The Universal Sphere can offer solutions that were previously out of reach, or not even considered. The Universal Sphere is a simple and easy method to learn and use.

Each individual’s interaction with the Perfect Universal Resonance, through the Universal Sphere, allows them to interact and vibrate with this level of perfection which is centered in the heart.  As explained by Ishtara, The Universal Sphere allows us to become a Universal Human by allowing us to feel and experience, once again, our Universal Connection.


Reconnective Animals

Reconnective Animals

The Reconnection

The Reconnection is a once in a life time initiatory attunement. 

Using the same powerful Reconnective Healing frequencies, The Reconnection is a special process that is designed to connect your personal energetic grid system (acupuncture meridians ) with the ‘Axiatonal’ energy grid system of the earth and the entire universe.

When you connect with the greater energy grid, you receive an influx of light & intelligence that often completely transforms YOU.


I honor the truth in you, the truth of who you are, the Love that you are.  And I thank you for allowing me to work with you on your Soul Journey” ... Andrea Pelletier