Universal Sphere®


The Universal Sphere is a process for helping you resonate with the perfect vibration of the Universe, allowing you to become more attuned to your true nature by allowing you to feel and experience, once again, your connection to Source.  The Universal Sphere® has an impact on the human form on every single level at which it exists: the physical form, all the way down to the very essential particles within the human form.  This impact continues beyond the experience of the five senses to the energetic realms.

Each individual’s interaction with the Perfect Universal Resonance, through the Universal Sphere, allows them to interact and vibrate with this level of perfection which is centered in the heart. As explained by Ishtara, The Universal Sphere allows us to become a Universal Human by allowing us to feel and experience, once again, our Universal Connection.

The Universal Sphere allows us to resonate with the Perfect Universal Resonance during which we are reminded, down to the smallest particle of who we are on all levels, of our own inherent perfection.

"It has an impact on the human form on every single level at which it exists: the physical form, all the way down to the very essential particles within the human form and then extending on beyond that to the energetic realms, the realms beyond which the five senses exist.”
–Ishtara, Dec 24, 2011


“The Universal Sphere is allowing us to become a Universal Human by allowing us to feel and experience, once again, our Universal Connection. When we were cut off from that connection to the Universe it felt strange at first, uncomfortable and full of effort. After millennia of disconnection from the Universal Source we forgot that we once felt ‘better’ or connected, and this state of disconnection became the new reality. At first, it is waking up the long dormant cellular wisdom of our connection, just as the warmth from the Sun warms the soil allowing the dormant seeds and plants to begin their growth cycle in the Spring. As the seeds and the plants begin to grow, they reconnect with the soil/ ground/planet through their roots and begin to bloom into what their seeds had determined them to be.”
Ishtara, Jan 13, 2012



Our pets, plants, businesses, homes, offices, land, relationships and more also benefit from the Universal Sphere. We are all truly comprised of the same energy at our core essence so all that is in our world has the same potential to vibrate at the Perfect Universal Resonance.


  • Clarity

  • Improved outcomes to events and situations

  • Living a more heart-centered life

  • Better relationships

  • Peace

  • Love

  • Healing on the levels of mind, body & spirit

  • Transformation

Each session is approximately 30 minutes, easy to fit into busy schedules.  Clients have reported lasting benefits long after the session is over, such as:

  • Improved personal relationships

  • Reduced Fear and Anxiety

  • Shifting of “stuck” situations

  • Inner calm

  • Physical and Energetic Healing

  • Emotional Healing and Mental Clarity

  • Spiritual and Soul Healing

  • Activated Energy

  • Heightened experience of the 5 senses

  • Balanced chakras and Energy

  • A feeling of greater Ease

Many situations have been positively affected as well after the application of the Universal Sphere.  Clients have shared stories that include:

  • Homes or properties sold

  • Strained family relationships where communication was absent suddenly open up

  • Students have improved test scores

  • Aging pets with painful joints and low energy showed marked heightened energy and ease of movement

  • New employment bringing greater happiness and prosperity

  • Living arrangements found that are much more suited to the individual

  • A new positive outlook on life and sense of opportunity where before things seemed dismal

  • Broken technology resumes working

The Universal Sphere can benefit humans, animals, plants, homes, Relationships AND businesses. It can be facilitated in person as well as at a distance with equal effectiveness.